In-house installment plans available for regular turnaround times.
Please read the tabs below for our service descriptions, requirements, turnaround time, and more information about stock photos.
We recommend adding our extended technical support for expedited concierge support on your website.
Full Price: $1050
Deposit Option: $300
Option to pay in 3 installments
- 5 Main Pages (e.g., Shop, Contact Us, Store Policy)
- Free Home Page
- Unlimited Subpages
- No Added Products/Services
- Tech Support for up to 14 days after completion
- Detailed Video Tutorial introducing you to your new platform
- Up to 1 Hour Free Consultation
If you do not have photos for your design, we offer stock photos for your convenience. These images are either created using AI or purchased from reputable stock photo licensing websites such as Adobe Stock and Depositphotos. Due to the time and resources involved in curating or creating the perfect stock photos for your brand, there is a cost for stock photos. Please budget up to $400. Compared to the expenses of a photoshoot, which includes models, makeup, and hair, this option is significantly more cost-effective. Please budget accordingly if you plan on using stock photos.
We offer flexible installment plans to accommodate your needs for regular turnaround times.
- Plan Details:
- Non-Cancelable Policy:
For services purchased with just a deposit:
- The remaining balance is due upon completion and approval of the final project.
- We do not store or hold completed projects, so please be payment-ready by the agreed-upon completion date.